Off Beat

Hamilton Beach Cooker for cooking rice to perfection

Hamilton Beach Cooker is a small appliance to meet large needs of your family. This cooker can cook upto 8 ounces of rice to perfection, in its non-stick bowl. The bowl is dishwasher safe and it comes with a glass lid.

The extended feature also…

Corn Zipper by Kuhn Rikon

Zipping off corn kernels from the cob can be a strainous job. But Kuhn Rikon presents a Corn Zipper which is safer than knife in zipping the corn kernels from off the cob directly into the bowl.

This stainless steel product is an effective tool for the.

Chop Stir for smooth curries

It is often time-taking to cook ground meat if they are not minced properly. Miles Kimball presents the new Chop Stir with plastic blades to break meat pieces effectively and quicken cooking time.

Chop Stir is dishwasher safe and is durable enough….

Splatter Screen to protect the chic look of your kitchen walls

It is often expensive to install equipments in the kitchen to trap oil stains, smoke and curry splashes. All clad presents a stainless steel Splatter Screen to to fit across the rim of the cooking pan to serve as a screen to protect the kitchen wall from.

Professional Grill for healthy grilling

Breville presents a heavy duty grill designed to provide the customers with healthy and tasty meals. The grill is designed to work both as a closed contact grill and open barbecue grill, with the extended feature of tilted and flat positioning. The…

Smokeless indoor barbecue with Sanyo’s Electric Grill

The Smokeless Indoor Electric Grill from Sanyo gives you the comfort of grilling indoors. You can fill the drip pan below the grilling surface with water and grill foods without letting the smoke excite your tear glands. The grill gives you the…

Cookie Cutter for an ‘Already Been Chewed’ look

Thanksgiving season and Christmas can give you the crooked bleasure of puzzling your friends with above bite-out cookie cutters.

These cookie cutters made of cast aluminium have sharp edges with designs that give your guests the impression that you…

Multi-purpose Boltle Opener

The above froggy shape is headless as it is occupied with the task of opening bottle tops, Can lids, screw tops. This amazing design is crafted out of recyclable plastic and it takes into its shape the task of a complete opener.

This Bop Bottle Opener..

Rooster Script Serveware to brighten-up your salads

What about adding a bit of classic touch to your serving bowls? Rooster Script Serveware beautifully embosses a watercolored rooster on the background of French script and classic paintings. These serving bowls can add a bit of life to your salads,…

Portable Griddle offering breakfast convenience

Williams-Sonoma presents an unique griddle, which gives you portability and also claims to be professional. This griddle allows you make pancakes, fried eggs, French toasts and cutlets for a large crowd.

The best part is the stainless steel plate that..

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